The Muncipality of CULASI is one of the 13 municipalities in the province of Antique that passed the 2022 Good Financial Housekeeping.
Aside from the Municipality of Culasi, other municipalities confered the 2022 GFH are Barbaza, Caluya, Hamtic, Laua-an, Libertad, Patnongon, San Jose de Buenavista, San Remegio, Sebaste, Sibalom, Tibiao and Tobias Fornier. The GFH is a program of the DILG that supports the promotion of transparent and accountable local government units. Pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2014-39, the GFH is conferred to an LGU that exhibits compliance with accounting and auditing standards, rules and regulations, i.e. most recent available COA Audit Opinion is either unqualified or qualified as well as compliance with the DILG’s Full Disclosure Policy where all required financial documents are posted in three conspicuous places and in the FDP portal for the second to fourth quarters of CY 2021 and first quarter of CY 2022

On December 10, 2021, the DILG-BLGS through Philippine Anti-Illegal Drug Strategy, DILG vested the Municipality of Culasi with high functional ADACs. The adjectival rating of 95 and assessment score of 75 for 2019 while adjectival rating of 85.50 and assessment score of 75 for 2020, the Municipality of Culasi became the awardee of 2019 and 2020 ADAC Performance Audit and Awards. This made Culasi, the only municipality in the Province of Antique being an awardee of 2019 and 2020 ADAC Performance Audit and Awards respectively.
This is to determine the functionality of ADACs and to ensure the continuous implementation, monitoring and evaluation of anti-illegal drug activities in the city/municipality.

Culasi wins the 2020 National GAPAS Awards
The municipality of Culasi, Antique won the 2020 DSWD Panata GAPAS Award (Panata ko sa Bayan, Gawad Paglilingod Sa Sambayanan Award-Model LGU Implementing Kalahi-CIDSS at the national level.

The Department of the Interior and Local Government Regional Office 6 conferred the “MASIDHING PAGHANGA’ Award to the Municipality of Culasi for its contribution to the continuous development of the Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) Program resulting to the successful implementatiin, promotion and sustainability of the PCF Program of the DILG since 2016.

Mayor Jose Jeffrey Y. Lomugdang receiving 2018 SGLG plaque at the Manila Hotel. Adjudged grand slam national awardee and a hall of famer. The only municipality in the province of Antique earning 4 consecutive SGLG awards since 2015.

Through the leadership of Mayor Jose Jeffrey Y. Lomugdang and the effort of key employees and officials, the municipality of Culasi being conferred with Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance for passing the 2017 CFLG Audit.

For the third time in a row, the Local Government Unit of Culasi received its 3rd SGLG Award. This is made possible under the leadership of Mayor Jose Jeffrey Y. Lomugdang and through the efforts of key employees and officials of the LGU. Indeed, the LGU improved to such degree.

On his 1st term as the Municipal Mayor, Jose Jeffrey Y. Lomugdang received plaque for 2016 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG). This proof that the LGU is in pursuit to improve the performance and service delivery to its constituents.

The Local Government Unit of Culasi through Hon. Mayor Joel A. Lomugdang received the plaque of 2015 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) and Performance Challenge Fund Incentives from Atty. Anthony C. Nuyda, DILG R6 Regional Director at the Old Provincial Capitol Building Iloilo City. This for passing the criteria in Financial Housekeeping, Disaster Preparedness, Social Protection, Business Friendliness and Competitiveness and Environmental Management.